Little is known about Boyd Cooper, but one thing is certain. He sure loves his asplosions. He regularly crafts Molotov cocktails and sometimes sells them to other pyrotechnics enjoyers (and sometimes people who just wanna get the job done). After he blew up the insane asylum he was working at, he's now on the run from the police, alongside some of his cohorts.
When it comes to his relations with the T.H.M., he's sort of a mole. He's been ratting on another organization for a while now, the Psychonauts. The reason why they contacted him at first was due to Balan's ongoing beef with them over his questionable therapy practices. Now, Boyd is a close ally, but he's not close WITH Ally.
He had been lobotomized by a rogue member of the Psychonauts back in the 1980s, and ended up gaining a stupidpower. When he hears certain words (ie. "milk") he goes into a sort of Super Sonic-ish alter ego known as The Milkman. In this form, he can summon all the explosives he wants and ascend into the sky while spouting his iconic catchphrase.
I am The Milkman. My milk is delicious.
—The Milkman, ascending
Boyd is easily taken advantage of, though, mostly due to his insanity. He was once taken hostage by the Cogs and dragged along with them on a quest to erase Japan for... reasons.
- One day, when Topham and Iwasaki were bored, they made him fight Popee and watched like a bunch of Romans at the Colosseum. There was a huge asplosion, and they had to leave. No one knows who won.
- He is lactose intolerant when he's Boyd, but can drink milk when he becomes the Milkman.
- He has seen The thing in the corner, but nobody believed him when started pointing at it and screaming like an ape.
- He's got theories out the oiseux (pronounced "wazoo", it means bird).
- He is not safe from me.
- Sasha Nein has a long history with him, mostly due to having his house blown up by the Milkman, which has caused Sasha to hold a grudge.