Bikini Bottom Ratings is a stupid rating company who rates TV shows, video shames, movies, etc. with their stupid ratings that is inaccurate. They rated Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy: The Dark Tide Rises to be for knee highs only, however the evil Bikini Bottom Better Business Bureau has banned Mermaid Man & Barnacle Boy: The Dark Tide Rises due to its unfair ratings (requested by King Neptune). It is the worst rating company ever in Bikini Bottom. Bikini Bottom only has this rating company to rate movies, shames, TV shows, and etc. in the city. It was a rip-off of other rating companies such as the UnRatings, Wario Ratings, Biased Ratings, Squadala Ratings, ESRB, PEGI, and the Grilled Rating System
List of ratings[]
- KH: rated for those with knee-highs only
- LP: rated for those with long pants only
- PH: rated for those with better personal hygiene only
- NP: rated for those that have normal personality only
- WO: rated for those who were wise ones only
- L: rated for those with licenses only
- E: Everyone