- If you were looking for a particular breed of dog, here it is: Beagle.
Or, is it the bagel?
A bagel is the name given to a particular food that looks like a donut without any flavour on top of it. Bagel is the tasteless counterpart of donuts and was originated in 1683. The creator of bagels is unknown. Contrary to some beliefs, a bagel is not a donut. It's actually a type of bread, not a breed of a dog.
Bagels were soon the sons & daughters of Luigi. So, he made a movie where Luigi eats a rotten bagel and kills everyone, called Bagel Movie. It is almost as scary as Super Mario Vampires on PBS Kids.
Your search - Popularity of Bagels did not match any documents.
- Put peanut butter or jelly at the top of a bagel.
We recommend you put crap on your bagel.Never mind, that's actually a bad idea.- Make sure you chew it properly.