BBC (also known as British Broadcasting Company or Bye Bye Children) is a part of British Television and the broadcaster of The Mighty Boosh. It is sponsored by a carefree princess in order to cause seizures on Toads ONLY. It works for it's BBC group BAFTA (Best Award For Toddler Appreciation)
It is believed the BBC has zero thousand bombs & 20,000 Awesome Faces stored in their warehouse, but the Police claim it is a rumor just so they don't have to go check. The BBC has exactly three thousand different locations locked on their targeting devices, and are ready to fire at a moment's notice.
Po has taken over the BBC, but has been shot by Gabe. It was then at the moment a Anti-Teletubby centered organization, like The Obscure Creatures Society (TOBS), but not much Tellytubby-ish like Namco. Po respawned though, and put these british Nazis back on their feet by chasing Gabe out with a broom. The BBC is now as it was pre-Anti-Teletubby.
They used to air live draws for The UnNational Lottery, but due to fake rumours being said on the news. it is now currently airing on ITV.
It's rivals with the other terrorist organizations known as ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS
BBFC (also known as British Board of Film Classification or Bye Bye F**king Children) is a part of BBC and the film ratings in the UnUnited Kingdom.
- Teletubbies
- Boohbah
- Fimbles
- Tweenies
- Clangers
- Bob Ross
- Nobody
- K9 (1977-1982)
- Daleks
- Wizbit (1986-1992)
- Mr. Noseybonk (1979-1992)
- Noel Edmonds (1976-2000, moved to Channel 4)
- Mr Blobby (1992-2002)
- Jimmy Savile (1964-1994, fired because he abused all the kids and audiences on Jim'll Fuck It, which he left unemployed and later shot by the police, dead.)
- Basil Brush
- Sooty (1955-1968, retired in favor ITV)
- It is named after its alleged owner; a guy who looks like a lot the logo, with a body similar to the Lord of Shames from Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. We know only a few other bits of info about this supposed entity:
- He/it declares carrots also phones, this clown really thinks he is Doppio.
- BBC's a scientist.
- It has swirly eyes when PWNed by a rock. Hey, don't we all?
- It is sometimes called "Double B" by his freinds, which are whoever owns Nickelodeon & Yahoo!
- Its mother is a pickaxe.
- Music plays everytime he runs around.
- He thinks 1 plus 1 is just 1.