Austin Moon is a world's famous musician and the main character of the hit TV show Austin and Ally in Didney Channel. He used to be a singer inspired by Justin Beaver, until he got expelled from high school for major bad grades and ditching classes. His parents grounded him for a year and forever, so Austin began to get mad started to tackle his parents and beat them up with furniture and ran away crying and putting his parent's house on fire. He became an murder and outlaw when he put his parents' mattress store on fire. Until he was arrested and was sent to jail, but then Viacom captured him. Now he is stuck homeless in Bordertown along with the homeless Thundermans

The famous singer Austin Moon
- He's a rival to Miley Cyrus and Justin Beaver
- He's like Rebecca Black, but the dark side of the moon
- He did lost to Boyfriend due to him bad at Friday Night Fuckin' and lost to Parappa The Rapper. Yep, he just lost to both mostly just like Justin Beaver
- Tabi did said to him that he has no bitches
- He did got beat up in The Loud House because this guy REALLY STINKS!
- Today, he did started a TikTok channel, which that Donald Trump called the police to arrest him for cybersercurity threats such as hacking into the Pentagon (A reference of the Didney movie How To Build A Better Boy)
- The Teletubbies and some fake Chuck Norris don't want to hangout with him
- Kickbutt arrested him and sent him to Viacom ...That's all folks!