An Atom is when you shrink something so much, it becomes the size of my brain after sleeping. Lots of Atoms are spilled in War, because atoms are cringe and unfunny. Atoms can be composed of: one micro-electric porcupine, one micro positive earth-saving hippie, and one smartass weirdo.
Atoms are as small as the size of a brain of someone who supports Captain 1. Usually, before babies are born, they get to befriend atoms but have to say goodbye before being conceived. This will help the baby develop an ability to make friends, as they have experience with doing so. Bonus fact: Babies can be as small as atoms!
Atoms were created by something. When nothing was there, someone knocked over some beads and Plotholium were created out of nowhere. The Plotholium grew and grew so much, they fought so hard and it created an explosion (probably because someone farted) and it created so many atoms, some of which were Plotholium. This event caused the first few powerful beings to come outta nowhere.
Atoms are everywhere. They're the friends inside you. They're even inside Chuck Norris!! One day, Chuck Norris decided that he was bored and worked 1,000 years just so that he could CREATE atoms out of thin air. He, alongside Mr. T, made some ugly organisms named Humans that contained more than 2 billion atoms. They evolved and evolved, with some being left behind. This was ultimately worth it when some people decided to create a super duper stoopid zanily wacky thing called the UnAnything Wiki.