The Undefeatable Associates are supporting people for the Undefeatables, however are not Undefeatables themselves. They usually have UnRanks ranging from a trillion to the mid-googols, but some approach or even hit the massive Graham's Number. Some of these characters are created by a very strange user and were once Upper Undefeatables but some people hated these poopy self inserts. Thus, the Undefeatable Associates were created to comply with mobs invading the UnTeam HQ.
As said above, almost all current Associates were Undefeatables who were made for the intent of being Mary Sues or Gary Stus who were invincible and had infinite UnDollars. Though this had precedent, both times were in the distant past - Chronology Era, even. The UnTeam was not notified of these self inserts and decided to take action. Thus, the Associate Counsel of Undefeatables was created at the inn finnit jeanyous of Vesta to turn these self inserts into supporting characters, along with the inhabitants of Sodor.
As such, the characters are NOT classified as Undefeatables, and do not have the perks of one. Because of this, they're vulnerable to death and cannot escape bad accidents. Due to plot reasons, though, they cannot die unless the wiki dies itself.