Asploded Tinky Winky (full name: WaNEDMAsplodeAsplodeAsplodeTinkyWinky) asploded. It was genderless.
One day, Wario put The Stupid One in the Wa-Machine 2.0, combining the +Clone and -Clone options. Instead of cancelling each other out, they created The Stupid Stupid One. The Stupid Stupid One was really dumb, and wanted to be friends with AsplodeAsplode Tinky Winky. One problem: AsplodeAsplode Tinky Winky was dead. So The Stupid Stupid One injected its corpse with NEDM Energy. When this didn't revive it, he put the corpse in the Wa-Machine 2.0, combining the "Wa" and "Asplode" options. This created Asploded Tinky Winky, which promptly teleported itself to the void outside the UnMultiverse. It then asploded (hence its name), creating the Tinkyverse and the Singularity Winky, which looks identical to Imploded Tinky Winky.
There are no pictures of it, because no one was around to take a picture of it. The image on the right is a recreation of what we think it might look like.