The Aperture Science Lab was discovered on the UnWorld by Bowser in the year 1700. Bowser built GLaDOS and a ton of other robotic thingys of randomness. But Glados had a mind of her own, and chased Bowser away from the lab (but Bowser is mostly never scared!!). Glados made idiot test suspects do random things that possibly can cause death. The smell of death attracted Cave Johnson, who found the place and colonized it. He also decided to name the place after Aperture Science.
After that, he let his engineer The Engineer run loose and create a bunch of random thingies that are actually smart. This includes the Personality Cores. The defective one Wheatley then decided to help a random idiot test suspect named Chell passed Glados's tests of random death. Wheatley later betrayed Chell and took over the faculty, forcing Glados and Chell to team up and stop him.
Later, Bowser came back and had to disable Glados with the SUPER DISABLER THINGY MABOB. Bowser then eventually created a ton of SUPER THINGY MABOBS in the lab then left and un-disabled Glados with the SUPER UN-DISABLER THINGY MABOB. Glados and Bowser and Chell then defeated Wheatley with a magic keyboard that sends stuff into space. Wheatley and Space Core got stranded in space until 4953, when the whole Aperture Science Lab and everything in it fell onto Jerkworld, except for Space Core who flew into the Sun and burned.
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This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in densetti. You can help keep this wiki fresh by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spametti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spametti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it may get removed.