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UnAnything Wiki

I'm an Orange! The Annoying Orange

Hey, hey Apple! The Annoying Orange

The Annoying Orange (or just Orange) is... an annoying orange, basically. He pisses a lot of people off.


You're an apple! Heheheheh!

Here's a table of guys that he knows:

Apple Yes Yes


(TOE-MAY-TOE to Orange)

Yes Yes
Plumkin Yes Yes
Pear Yes (no at times) No
Sandy (Santa) Claus Yes No
Football (Handball to Annoying Orange) Yes No (but was slightly injured)
Melon (soccer ball) No No
Other Orange No (but he's the only guy who pissed off Annoying Orange, how ironic) Yes
Kool Aid Guy Yes Yes
Passion Fruit Yes (sort of, but not much, as she likes his dimples) No


(they made insults at each other)

Jigsaw Yes (very annoyed) No
Barney (the Eggplant) Yes Yes
Apple Touch Yes (fairly) Yes (the first time Annoying Orange killed someone; by spitting orange juice in his electronics)
The Blackberries No Yes
The Banana Twins No No
Lemon No No
Kiwi No No
Apple 2 No Yes
Cheese Yes End my misery! No more stupid puns!


Twice, but Liam can wish himself alive again.

Super Mario (Stupid Mario or Spaghetti Os to Orange)


No (just got a Game Over from a bullet bill)

Mystery Potato Man

(Muddy Buddy or Spud Muffin to Orange)

Yes Yes
Carrot Unknown No


(Excess Cabbage to Orange)

No/Yes Yes
Celery Yes/No No



Yes (No at times) Yes
Onion Rings Yes (very, he annoyed them for SEVEN days straight) No (only one died by being eaten by a Pitbull)

Alot of guys DIE! after meeting with him, although he only killed Apple Touch and the leprechaun so far. Beside of the guys listed above, he also annoys: Mario, Weegee, Malleo, Peach, The King of Hyrule, Captain Lou Albano, the ABC group (A, B, C, F, H, K, L, X, Z), Smbzfan2, Homer Simpson, Leonidas, Robin Hood, YouTube, WHOA!, Chocolate Fish ect. Despite this, he never dies because his subscriber level is FAR OVER 9000! It was recently discovered that he has powers to turn people into Onion Rings in 7 days by watching a cursed videotape. OH NOEZ! Run! Run for your butts, before he turns YOU into one, too!


Here are the Annoying Orange videos of him annoying others. <videogallery> Video:The Annoying Orange Video:Annoying Orange 2: Plumpkin Video:Annoying Orange 3: TOE-MAY-TOE Video:Annoying Orange 4: Sandy Claus Video:Annoying Orange 5: More Annoying Orange Video:Annoying Orange 6: Super Bowl Football Video:Annoying Orange 7: Passion of the Fruit Video:Annoying Orange Saw Video:Annoying Orange gets Autotuned Video:Annoying Orange Wazzup Video:Annoying Orange - A cheesy episode Video:Annoying Orange: Luck o' the Irish Video:Annoying Orange Prank Call #1: Tanning Salon Video:The Annoying Orange Remix - Hey Apple!!!!|OMG! A REMIX! YAAAAY! Video:Annoying Orange Super Mario Video:Annoying Orange: Muddy Buddy Video:Annoying Orange: Excess Cabbage Video:The Cursed Onion Ring Tape Video:Annoying Orange: The Onion Ring|7 Days... You will be... AN ONION RING. Video:Annoying Orange: Teenage Mutant Ninja Apples|Forget the Warioware ninja or Lucario, these are ninja appleZ!!!!!!! Video:Annoying Orange: The Orange Cup|The return of socc... SHUT UP! THIS IS NOT THE WORLD CUP, YOU N00BZ! </videogallery>
