- Not to be confused with the shame with similar name.
- This article is about the species. If you were looking for the disease, click here.
Amogi (sing. Amogus) are bizarre, crewmate-like fungal creatures that inhabit Bitcoin biodomes across the UnUniverse. Unlike crewmates, however, they have feet that extend like a human wearing a shoe, and nothing protruding from their back side. They were created when Luigi tossed a stone into outer space and it picked up a lot of radiation, which then hit a Crewmate causing it to mutate into an Amogus. (Though other accounts say they are homunculus made by Morbius, the Hugh Mungous Chungus Among Us.)
They are friendly to LGBT+ people because they hire imposters who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and everything else. They have hired the Bad People to help them, so they say stuff like "TEAM GAY CUBE", because they love cubes.
Amogus spread like fungus and feed off of the brain matter of non-intelligent species; they spew their spores every which way until the ground, or a tree becomes another one of themselves. They were sealed off in the biodomes to prevent further destruction of the universe after The Great Amogus Plague of 2021. However, some of these cheeky little morons managed to escape with the help of the Bad Cat and OH NO NO NO NO NO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
OH NOES!!![]
Did the last narrator get Amogus???
They are unfortunately immune to pesticides, but they are not immune to the pest killing effects of Tachyon Prisms.
They also have the ability to capture and consume the minds of those who stare at them for too long (much like a Weegee.) An infected person will recognize them everywhere, and see nothing except them.
They come from far away lands in the UnWorld, primarily in the Senegambia region. However, they are known to be present in Loompaland as well. They all hate other species for unknown reasons.

Wamogus is a fusion between Amogus and Wario. He is the evil sus, just Wario with an amogus outfit. They weigh 100 kg, and have a height of 50 cm, come from the shame Wamong Us, and have a really low UnRank.
- You are SUS.
- They are friends with Tiky.
Hmmm... from what I’ve heard, the amogus doesn’t really taste good raw. Frankly, it tastes like...grass, and...vegemite. Not too appetizing. But the cooked amogus is just a different story. Cooked amogus tastes like a hen-of-the-woods fungus, which in turn, tastes like chicken. Amazing!
Hmmm... from what I’ve heard, the amogus doesn’t really taste good raw. Frankly, it tastes like...grass, and...vegemite. Not too appetizing. But the cooked amogus is just a different story. Cooked amogus tastes like a hen-of-the-woods fungus, which in turn, tastes like chicken. Amazing!