"American Dad" (AKA "UnUnited States Pappy") is an anime franchise made by Funny Man Seth MacDonaldsFarlane (maker of Family Guy), Mike Dog-Barker, and Matt Wiseman. It's about Stan Smith & his family, and they go on epic adventures. Roger Smith the alien is the best character on the show.
Main Characters[]
- Stan Smith - Stan is a 69 year old guy who works at the CIA, he has a family so he can be an American Dad
- Francine Smith - Francine is Stan's wife, she's a housewife, but she's more epic.
- Hayley Smith - The Daughter of Stan & Francine, she's a stoner I guess, also she is married to Jeff Fischer voiced by Jeff Fischer.
- Steve Smith - The Son of Stan & Francine, he's a nerd, and also releated to Norman Price from Fireman Sam (Since Season 6).
- Roger Smith - The Greatest chracter ever, Roger is the creator of Personas, he has cool personas like Ricky Spanish, & Ryuko Matoi.
Side Characters[]
- Jeff Fischer - He's Cool, he's voiced by Jeff Fischer, and once, he became Guy Ferreari.
- Snot - Steve's Jewish Friend who is voiced by Dan from Dan Vs.
- Barry - Steve's Fat Friend who made a cameo in a Family Guy Episode once.
- Toshi - Steve's Japanses Friend who says funny things.
- Avery Bullok - Stan's Boss voiced by the Poop Emoji.
- Greg & Terry - The gay couple nieghbours who also work for BBC News in American Dad Land.
- Princaple Lewis - He says "Ends of Days Bithces" that one time.
- Rogu - He is epic because he was made by Roger, and he is better than Baby Yoda
Episodes of the funny Show[]
Roger's Pringles[]
Steve eats Roger's Pringles, and he buys a new one, while Stan & Francine go to Wallace & Gromit's bar, and get rid of Justin Beaver forevers.
Kill La Kill[]
Roger becomes fan of Kill La Kill, and becomes Ryuko Matoi.
Klaus Klaws[]
Klaus grows some claws.
Stan's Strangle[]
Francine starts a cookie buisniess and Stan strangles himself after Roger steals his wallet and spends his money on Tutter the Mouse's Crack (what the fuck).
Rogu the Rapper[]
Rogu becomes a rapper with Roger, so they can kill Dora the Explorer forever, while Jeff becomes a billionare with Scrooge McDuck, and shit happens.
Grated Cheese[]
Stan, Francine, Hayley, Steve, Roger, & Klaus watch Mr Blobby grate cheese for 22 minutes.
7 American Grand Dad[]
7 Grand Dad comes to stay at the Smiths house for no fucking reason, while Hayley, Steve, & Jeff watch all of The Cleveland Show with Postman Pat.
Bullock is actually the Poop Emoji[]
Stan finds out his boss Bullock is voiced by the same guy who later did the voice the Poop Emoji in The Emoji Movie.
Roger makes a movie with Lucy, Ben, & Kate, and this episode is a rip-off of SpongeBob's Episode about making a movie.