Ahhhhh, Agnaktor is on fire!!!
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Ahhhhh, Agnaktor is on fire!!!
Quick, find your Water and spritz it on this article before it spreads to other pages!!!!1!
Agnaktors are a species of gigantic creatures that live in volcanoes across the world, and they dig through volcanoes, leaving massive tunnels throughout them, using the tunnels to track and hunt their many prey, they also can swim in lava to hunt down their prey from the waters (meaning lava), they also have a tendency to go up to George Volcano, and proceed to DIE, the reason this happens is still unknown, and probably will never be known, agnaktors seem to be immune to Amogus (disease), the liver of a agnaktor, upon death sometimes Asplodes.
Agnaktors have been marked chaotic neutral due to being wild animals, although giant wild animals at that, they still have zero concept of morality whatsoever, that is because they are wild animals, they have been known to try and fight Slimes by pecking at them, but that does not work in the slightest, as the pecking does nothing to the slimes gelatinous body, and often stabs the agnaktor if its a lava crystal slime.
Agnaktors can swim in lava, and track their prey using the lava as a cover, before emerging, covered in a molten rock armor, they have been known to drill across areas at ultra high speeds, drilling through the roof and the floor in the blink of an eye, they can also launch a beam of molten lava at a target.
Agnaktors live across the UnUniverse, in volcanoes across it, however, they are most commonly found in the more volcanic regions of hell, and there is a major population of agnaktors found over at Mount DIE.
These gigantic crocodile like lava lizards are suprisingly edible! they are hard to cook, but they are worth it, just dont eat the liver, thats a one way trip to ASPLODE.
These gigantic crocodile like lava lizards are suprisingly edible! they are hard to cook, but they are worth it, just dont eat the liver, thats a one way trip to ASPLODE.
Volcanic Arson
The Agnaktor launches lava at the entire area it is currently located, before locking onto and launching a extremely high heat beam of molten lava at its target, leaving lava everywhere.
Volcanic Arson
The Agnaktor launches lava at the entire area it is currently located, before locking onto and launching a extremely high heat beam of molten lava at its target, leaving lava everywhere.