A Random Skunk Fights Against a Lizard is an action comedy film created by Peter "PartyNoob" Partyson, the ex-employee of NightmareWorks Animation. It mainly focuses on the Buylander Stink Bomb that tries to find the his successor of the "Kung Fume“ Warrior because he is becoming da Spirit Guardian, and somehow teams up with Becca Sparkles to defeat the Lizard. Sadly, it got ripped off by NightmareWorks' film Kung Fu Panda Teletubby 4. The only difference is that it is a good movie.
In Buylands, Stink Bomb had turned Cloudbreak Islands into a national park after defeating Kaos, his master which is a female dog insulted him to become a Spirit Guardian.
The next day, the election began, Stink Bomb had extremely pain of choosing the right candidate, so, he picked himself because he was stupid of elections, but he met a rabbit named Becca Sparkles who tasked him to kill the evil lizard, who can transform into one of the "Kung Fume" masters.
They went to Driftveil City, they ended up in the Den of Idiots, Stink Bomb and Becca head to the Lizard's lair, until he got skunknapped, Becca tried to save him, but she captured by the stupid Lizard, steals Stink Bomb's magic stick, and throws him into a river. However, Stink Bomb's mom somehow managed to save him from death.
Stink Bomb returns to the lair, he punches the Lizard and saves Becca, the Lizard turns into a giant, horrifying, deadly chimera, however, she was killed by Becca by using a GUN. Stink Bomb returns all the powers back to the "Kung Fume" masters.
Some days later, Stink Bomb returns to Buylands with Becca, he decides Becca to become the "Kung Fume" Warrior, which he already knows from his insulter. Later, they have an AWESOME dance party. THE END
People said that this movie is way better than the Kung Fu Panda movie, due to not having Po.
The Good Teletubbies and Pop Fizz rate it 10/10 due to having the singer Becca Sparkles in the film.
- PartyNoob originally added Pain and Panic in this movie, but it was scrapped.
- It broke the fourth wall OVER 9000 times.
- This is PartyNoob's first movie to have a skunk as a main character.