UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

Is it solitude that makes a human's mind so violent?


Be nice to old people...


Don't expect the unexpected...Still, they're no match for Paracelsus.


What a nice key :3 I LOVE KEY!!! >:D

A.B.A, preparing to throw her husband at someone

The woman behind him is waving at me...D-Does she think I'm her friend!?

A.B.A, trying to understand why the ghost lady is waving at her

Endangered species...? You certainly don't look like one at all...

A.B.A, accidentally being racist to Anji Mito

A.B.A is a character from Guilty Gear and NOT Gorillaz. She could be a fucking creepypasta antagonist with her damn appearance lmao She is an artificial human who has a key for a husband, and let me tell you, she is very obsessed with keys (and cheating on her husband).


A.B.A was created in a lab in the mountain region called Mount Ebott by a scientist named Dr. Van Nostrand. She was made as an artificial life form which is a split between human DNA and Artificial Idiocy, but then a few days after her "Birth," Dr. Van left to get the milk, leaving A.B.A alone in Mount Ebott for 10 Years in total isolation until she decided to leave. However, because she doesn't know anything and got the Saddening, she began collecting keys to make herself feel happier.

A.B.A had no hope in her life until one day when she was on a walk, she found something strange. She stumbled upon a relic called Flament Nagel, shaped like a key. A.B.A immediately fell in love with the ancient relic and, like most people with manipulative partners, became clingy. She took it and made it her own weapon, proceeding to rename that key to Paracelsus and went on a journey to acquire an artificial body for her partner. But because Dr. Van left to get the milk, she couldn't find a body, so she got the Saddening yet again.

She would begin bothering other scientists, but they all denied her idea, all except a man named Balan. He told her that if she acquires Dark Plotholium and Lobotomy Dash, he'd give Paracelsus a body. A.B.A went searching for that stuff until Paracelsus told her upfront that Dark Plotholium isn't real. A.B.A returned to the THM HQ, and Balan unleashed Horror Shows onto her to the point where she started losing her mind, looking for comfort from Paracelsus.

But Balan kidnapped Paracelsus while she was going crazy over horror shows, and once she found out that the key wasn't responding, she fucking snapped and fucking beat and mauled Balan to near death because the bitch hurt her husband, and nobody gets away with hurting Paracelsus. The other members showed up, but they were all thrown away like trash. A.B.A had completely lost it until she saw Paracelsus in the corner feeling completely betrayed. She ran away back to Mount Ebott, where she lives in solitude. But Baiken showed up and dragged her outside to help her on her quest to kill The Milkman. A.B.A is deeply angered by the fact that her husband is still not like her and gets extremely violent and aggressive when someone touches her husband or if she can't find him. So she ditched him for the Keysword for a while, before getting back together.


  • Her blood has mercury in it.
  • She writes stuff down in a notebook that she keeps on her.
  • She is very shy.
  • She has been accidentally racist before.
  • She called Bailout a he, but that was before Strive so she can be forgiven of that.

